{ "page_id": 73965502644, "page_title": "Agricultural Driveshafts", "page_handle": "agricultural-drive-shafts" }
Agricultural Driveshafts

Drive Shafts, Inc. offers high quality products and materials to fulfill all of your agricultural driveshaft needs. We make new, custom-built agricultural driveshafts as well as repair existing PTO drive shafts.
We are proud to carry Bondioli & Pavesi (Italian) and Walterscheid (German) tubing, in addition to solid shafting available in various shapes. We also carry an extensive line of plastic driveline shielding from World Shield, which is specifically manufactured to meet OEM standards.
We look forward to working with you on all of your agricultural drive shaft needs!
Please call us at (866) 604-2296 or e-mail DSINC@DRIVESHAFTSOFTULSA.COM today!
The most common types of Ag yokes are:

1 3/8 X 6 SPLINE

1 3/8 X 21 SPLINE

1 3/4 X 20 SPLINE
We sell all types of Bondioli & Pavesi shafts, series 1 through 10.
Our pricing information on the most popular shafts is listed below. For pricing information on series not listed below please call 1-800-344-5141 and one of our drive shaft specialists will assist you.
Series 4 – $195.00 + free shipping
Series 5 – $240.00 + free shipping
Series 6 – $260.00 + free shipping


We just need to know what series you want, the yoke you want on each end, what length you want the driveshaft overall compressed, and we will take care of the rest.
We also sell constant velocity agricultural shafts.
The most common type that we sell is Walterscheid 2580 series (1 3/8″ x 6 spline on cv and 1 3/4″ x 20 spline on implement). These shafts also come with all different kinds of splines on each 1 3/8 x 6 spline, 1 3/8 x 21 spline, and 1 3/4 x 20 spline.


We carry all sizes and brands:
- Walterscheid
- Bondioli & Pavesi
- Comer
- Weasler
- Neapco
The agricultural PTO shaft parts that we stock have all been quality-tested and we make it a priority to ensure that the products that we use for our agricultural shafts will be safe for their expected uses. We build and repair agricultural drive shafts on a daily basis. If you are in need of an agricultural drive shaft, we will make the maximum effort to build one for you in a timely manner.
We can build an agricultural PTO shaft parts for anyone who is in need. We are not only able to build and repair agricultural shafts for our local customers, but for customers from all over the world. Our employees at Drive Shafts, Inc. have several years of experience in the world of agricultural and tractor drive shafts. We take pride in our products and we want you, the Customer, to receive the best agricultural shafts possible.
Customers use Drive Shafts, Inc. agricultural drive shaft products for a variety of functions. These functions include, but are not limited to:
- Hay Balers
- Tractors
- Brush hogs and other types of rotary mowers
- Grain Mixers
- Irrigation
- Crop-Cutting/Gathering Units
- Combines
- Planters
We stock a wide variety of agricultural PTO shaft parts, which include:
- Implement Yokes
- Quick-Disconnect Yokes
- Collar Type Yokes
- Pin Type Yokes
- Key-way Type Yokes
- Slip Sleeves
- Yoke and Shaft Assemblies
- Friction Clutches
- And More
How Long Does It Take to get My Drive Shaft?
We understand that for most of our customers, time is money therefore, we strive to deliver the quickest turnaround times that we can on our agricultural shafts.
Agricultural drive shafts take a great deal of attention and safety is very important when operating any and all drive shafts. We will be able to give you a proper estimate on turnaround time when your order is submitted. We will inform you of any potential obstacles that may affect the time of the readiness of your agricultural drive shaft such as availability of parts and shipping times. Also, we will give you a price quote before the completion of your drive shaft.